VW Kampers

VW Kampers

Written by the JK Team
Published 12 July 2013
Just Kampers

VW Kampers Ltd all started in the year 2003, when my passion for classic campers became more of a covert love affair than anyone who knew me realised. My enthusiasm for classic VW’s soon made me realise that my obsession should be put into practice. In 2004 I established a small business specialising in importing VW campers from sunny California to the UK. Before long I gained a wealth of knowledge and practical experience as well as building up an excellent reputation for mint VW campers and customer service.

The importing enterprise became a success, making me soon realise that my infatuation should become not just my hobby but a way of life. VW Kampers Ltd was opened in 2009 to offer everything to do with VW Campers. The company is situated a stones throw away from the south coast of Brighton, the perfect place to live the relaxed VW lifestyle.

VW Kampers Ltd is an amalgamation of four key factors, new Brazilian bay windows sales and 1968 - 1979 classic camper sales, spares and restoration parts and classic VW camper hire, add this to excellent customer service and……VW Kampers is born!

If you have any questions or even if you are just after some friendly advice from us here @ VW Campers please feel free to contact us.

And remember, A VW Camper is a way of life!

VW Kampers
Macklays Industrial Estate
Small Dole
West Sussex
12 years ago